A young boy being lifted in the air by his father.

Friendly's Club for Kids

Friendly's Club logo

Join Our Club!

Hey Kids!

My name is Friendly the Eagle, and I am the proud mascot for Friendly’s Club at Waukesha State Bank. Friendly’s Club is a savings club designed specifically to prepare YOU for your financial future in a fun and educational way. Join me and my friends and become a member of my Club today!

To learn more, click the links below:

Age Groups

The Club has three special age groups:

Ages: Newborn - 4-years-old
This is where you begin your banking experience. Start saving your pennies and earn tokens that can be redeemed for cool prizes.

Ages: 5 -12-years-old
When you become a Wing, Friendly will send you a newsletter filled with great savings tips, and you’ll be invited to special “Members Only” events. Plus, you can visit the bank to answer Friendly’s “Question of the Month” (found here on our website) to earn tokens that can be redeemed for cool prizes.

Ages: 13 -15-years-old
This is the final stage of Friendly's Club before you graduate and fly off into your own checking account. You are also invited to "Members Only" events, receive a special newsletter in the mail and have opportunities to earn tokens for prizes.

It's Easy to Join!

Next time you come to Waukesha State Bank with your mom or dad, let a Personal Banker know you want to become part of this fun club. A $10 deposit gets you started, and we will give you a special welcome pack with all sorts of cool stuff.

Member Benefits

When you open your new Friendly’s Club savings account, you’ll get a welcome bag filled with your own membership card (to bring with you to special Friendly’s Club “Members Only” events), starter tokens and token bag, a special piggy bank, a dollar-sign pencil and more!

Plus, members get these amazing benefits:
  • Just $10 to open.
  • No minimum balance.
  • No monthly maintenance fees.
  • Earn tokens* every time you make a deposit of $1 or more, and redeem them for cool prizes.
  • Special Birthday Dollar - Friendly will send you a card and a special dollar each year for your birthday!
  • Newsletter with savings tips and games from Friendly the Eagle.
  • Friendly’s Question of the Month and Coloring Contest of the Month.
 *1 token per deposit per day. Child must be present.

Monthly Question

Wings and Fliers, when you visit any Waukesha State Bank office, you can go to the special Friendly's Club teller window and earn a token when you answer the question correctly.

March 2025

Which country was the first to use paper money?

Friendly’s Events

Friendly's Club members get invited to special "members-only" events throughout the year. Watch your mailbox for your invitation!

Coloring Contest of the Month

March 2025
Print off this month’s Friendly’s Club Coloring Contest sheet. Turn your sheet into any Waukesha State Bank Office by March 31, 2025 and earn 1 token (one entry per member). A random winner will be drawn after April 1st from all entries for a chance to win a pair of Marcus Movie tickets!


Our Friendly’s Club newsletters provide savings tips, games and more. Click below to view past newsletters.
