Open a new account or initiate a loan request online. Click on any of the links below to get started.
Of course, we back up online convenience with the friendliest bankers anywhere! If you have any questions, need assistance or would like to discuss which loan or account is best for you, please do not hesitate to call our Customer Service Center at (262) 549-8500 or stop into any Waukesha State Bank office.
Deposit Accounts
Available to customers residing within the state of Wisconsin:
- Checking Account
- Savings Account (Savings, Money Market and Christmas Club)
- Certificate of Deposit (CD)
- Health Savings Account (HSA)
Mortgage Loans
Available to customers residing within the state of Wisconsin:
Consumer Loans
Available to customers residing within Waukesha County:
- Home Equity Loan & Line of Credit
- Personal Loan (Automobiles, Motorcycles, Recreational Vehicles . . . and more)

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