All businesses within the U.S., with at least one paid employee, are legally required to display labor law postings. Instead of contacting each government agency for each individual posting, and monitoring the changes yourself (on average there are 75 changes each year), subscribing to our Labor Law Poster Service enables you to stay focused on running your business. This service provides:
- Pay-as-you-go subscription (which can be activated or cancelled at any time).
- A new all-in-one poster ever year on the anniversary of your subscription.
- Immediate e-Updates, so if a change occurs you'll get an email with the updated posting, which you'll print and display until your new all-in-one poster arrives on your subscription anniversary.
- $25,000 we-pay-the-fine guarantee (if you're audited and not up-to-date).
What is a Labor Law Poster?
A Labor Law Poster combines all mandatory State and Federal labor postings onto one convenient sheet. The postings must be displayed in an unlocked, unblocked area, visible to all applicants and employees. Businesses with multiple locations require these postings in each location. Failure to post up-to-date labor law postings can result in hefty fines or frivolous employee lawsuits. The amounts can vary by state, agency and case, but fines can be imposed over $12,000 per infraction.
- Examples of Federal Postings: Federal Minimum Wage, OSHA, Equal Employment Opportunity, Family and Medical Leave Act, Employee Polygraph Protection Act, etc.
- Examples of State Postings: State Minimum Wage, Unemployment and Disability Insurance, Family Leave Insurance, Payment of Wages, Whistleblower Act, Discrimination in Employment, Gender Inequity, SAFE Act, Child Labor Law Abstract, Schedule of Hours of Minors, etc.
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